There lived a jackal in the jungle near a rich man’s house.
The rich man had a number of pet birds like cock, hen, duck, etc. The jackal
saw a big and healthy cock and wanted to have a feast of it. He was looking for
an opportunity to prey the cock. One day jackal was lucky enough to catch the
cock. The people raised hue and cry and ran after the jackal. In such danger,
the cock did not lose heart. With courage and wisdom, he politely told the
jackal, “My lord, so long the rich man was my master. But the foolish people do
not realize that I no longer belong to him. Now you are my master and the rich
man has no right on me. So instead of running away, please tell them that I am
no longer their cock. You are my master now the jackal could not understand the
trick of the cock. In good faith, he opened his mouth to forbid the men to
chase him. As soon as he opened his mouth the cock flew on the branch of a tree
and crowed; kak-ku-ru-tur-ku… The jackal only looked and repented.