Alexander, the Great Hero

Read the story of Alexander and Puru. The story is not complete. Use your imagination : how Puru was as a ruler, what happened in the battle against Alexander, how Alexander behaved with him, how he was rewarded, etc. Now complete the story and give it a title.

Alexander was the king of Mecedonia. He was a great hero who conquered many countries as a great warrior. He invaded India, killed many people and destroyed many cities of India.
In the valleys of the Punjab there ruled a king named Puru……….

Alexander, the Great Hero

Alexander was the king of Mecedonia. He was a great hero who conquered many countries as a great warrior. He invaded India, killed many people and destroyed many cities of India.

In the valleys of the Punjab there ruled a king named Puru. Puru loved his country very much. He was a great patriot. He opposed Alexander and he did not like that Alexander should invade his country.

Puru came forward with a troop of army to fight the invader Alexander. He fought bravely and was defeated in the battle. He was taken as a prisoner and brought before Alexander. Alexander asked him what sort of treatment he expected from him.

“Like a king” was the reply. It pleased Alexander who was really a lofty-minded hero. He set Puru free and allowed him to rule his country as before. Besides, as a reward he was made king of other provinces as well.